Tuesday, December 23, 2014

A Christmas Prayer

Dear God & Father,

'Tis the season that many are disputing over what to call this season, how to celebrate it, or if we should even celebrate it at all.

We are busy putting up lights, mounting trees, buying presents, preparing rich foods, sending out greeting cards, going to parties, and lining the pockets of retailers.

Meanwhile, many are doing other than celebrating this season, because of losses, family dysfunction, illness, trauma, or hardships.

I hear it said that the term "the meaning of this season" is a canned phrase, but it really is not. What would it be like if we really experienced this "true meaning"?

I pray for all of those who are mourning losses this season, whether it is the death of loved ones, jobs, friends, homes, or simply the death of dreams, that they will be given the reality of Your Son and experience Your comfort in sadness;

I pray for all of those who are contending with illnesses this season or with pain, that You will give them perfect peace and heal them. Strengthen their families who care for them and guide their health care providers;

I pray for all those living with secrets and family dysfunctions which seem magnified at this time of the year, that they will find peace through trusting the Prince of Peace, make peace with each other and embrace the Truth that will make them free;

I pray for peace for two hurting communities especially at this season, namely the Black community and the community of police officers, who are now often at odds with each other. Help them to find peace with each other and cease hostilities through trusting the Prince of Peace and making peace with each other:

I pray for the many lonely people this year, that each and every one of them will find true community and never be without a friend;

I pray for all those many who have little money or material goods, whether here in the West or on the other side of the world, that they will meet You and know You as their Provider.

I pray for all the homeless, that they will meet Jesus, Who as the God-Man on Earth, was Himself homeless and one of them;

I pray for all those many who are oppressed, that they will meet You and place their hope in You as the One Who will come to their aid and personally vindicate them;

I pray for their oppressors, that these individuals will be convicted of their sin and experience Your mercy;

I pray for all those traveling, that You will give them safety throughout their travels;

I pray for so many of us Westerners who are distracted by all the holiday festivities of this season, that You will get our attention, remind us what this holiday (and all 365 days of the year) are about) and give many of us Jesus;

Want to be an answer to this prayer? Sponsor a child! Visit here.

Thank you!

Lisa DeSherlia

The photo at the top of this post is provided courtesy of Compassion International.

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