Hello, any ISIS member, recruit or supporter who may have "stumbled" on this post:
You did not come to this post by accident though it may seem like it. You may have come online because, as an ISIS member, you may be looking for someone to recruit to your cause. You may have come online as an at-risk person or supporter who may be just doing your "thing" online. I'm not sure how it works when ISIS works when they recruit people, but I think I may have an idea of how the process might work. You may respond to someone who acts like they really care about you, are to be trusted implicitly, and they lure you with glowing promises like, "I can give you a better life than what you know now," "You will be joining us in a worthy cause; don't you want to change the world?" or "We really care about and understand you; join us!" Whatever category you belong in, you need to reconsider what you are doing, because it is to your destruction and that of others.
This is a matter of life and death.
Tell me, what need does killing everyone who does not agree with you or offends you meet? I'm told that your holy book, the Koran, tells you that "suicide bombings" and killings of your offenders and "traitors" is the ticket to Heaven, and that you are doing a good thing. I "get" that you may have been indoctrinated into this way of thinking from your early childhood. And I know that thinking patterns laid down since your formative years are very resistant to change. In other words, in many cases, your way of life may be all you have ever known. But does it need to stay that way?
I know that the government of my country see military involvement as the answer to conquering the very real threat that you pose. Yes, all government leaders see is that the people under them and for whom they are responsible, are i danger from you ad they must protect them. Hence, military involvement!
Whether you are an ISIS member, supporter or a person at-risk of ISIS recruitment, there is a better way to channel your zeal for a cause that is worth giving all that you have and are for.
I'm sure that many of you are aware of the 21 Coptic Egyptian followers of Jesus who were shown, on video, right before they were beheaded by ISIS members. I do not know if you have ever wondered at Who they follow and why they could be heard calling on Him as they were being beheaded, and called themselves "people of the cross."
You may believe that you are fighting for the right cause. But have you ever thought how causing bloodshed to innocent people and grief and ruined lives to their families and many other people, can be noble in any sense? Or that you are going to make it to Heaven as "martyrs"? What if you are wrong about both of these things?
I know that your holy book, the Koran, teaches that Jesus is a Prophet. He is that, but He is much more than that. He is the Son of God and He died on a cross for the sins of the world and then returned to life, so that we can know freedom from the penalty and the power of sin and inhumanity to man. I'm praying that He will reveal Himself to you and reveal to you that if you follow Him, you will channel your zeal into a cause far more noble and that will assure you Heaven.
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