Monday, May 1, 2017

LIFE AFTER HEAVEN, By Steven R. Musick

This is a memoir about the author's life-changing experience. This book begins with a Forward, written by his co-writer, Paul J. Pastor. He follows with his own Introduction about why he has written this book. Musick spreads his material over three Parts and 14 chapters. And he ends with an Epilogue and Afterword, wrapping up his case. He finishes with his Acknowledgments of those who made his story and this book possible. Steven R. Musick is Founder and CEO of Destiny Capitol, a respected financial advisory firm. He has earned Mater's Degrees in management, financial services, and international economics. Thus he has taught at the University of Denver Daniels College of Business.

This was a fast read. I was expecting a book that was deeply reflective, philosophical, and inspiration. I read what I expected. And I found myself longing for this experience, so I could possess his total lack of struggles with his faith. But then I remember that Jesus has said, "Blessed are those who have not seen, but still believe." Musick clearly accounts how his faith became sight after his out-of-body experience. But he discusses his struggles in getting used to life on earth again. According to him, we can all experience a nearness to God just as he enjoys. Though this book seems theologically sound, I don't see any endorsements from respected Christian leaders. I know that out-of-body experiences are controversial in the Christian community. But has God ended His supernatural intervention in this day and age? This book makes it clear that he has not.

I recommend this book for all Christians. Read it with an open mind. I know that many Christians do not agree that God works through such means as Musick experienced. But who says that God can't? As long as it promotes His Ends? Those who are logical and think scientifically, may not appreciate this book or be annoyed by it. Or they may dismiss it. Once again, don't close your mind. Hear this man out. I received a complimentary copy of this book through Book Look Bloggers. I was not required to give a positive review of this book. More Info


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