Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A Message to Old Man Winter

Hello, Old Man Winter

You have been hard at work this year.

You are estimated to have cost us $10,000,000,000.

Yet you won't give up.

True, you have not been so hard at work in some areas,

Like my home state in Missouri.

You may have passed over some areas

and I wonder if you were even missed!

Yet many of us have seen your handiwork.

The many inches of snow

that have made any form of travel a nightmare.

Thanks to your hard work,

Many people have been dealing with power outages

and much inconvenience.

Your other handiwork, ice, has visited many areas

and causing even more damage!

Thanks to your handiwork of snow,

many people have had many shoveling opportunities!

Your hard work has made one people group very happy!

Thanks to you, many school children

have enjoyed days off school,

and have days to make up.

Your handiwork has given my own daughter

more snow days than she has ever enjoyed any year.

I know this is true for many other students.

However, Old Man Winter,

as convenience doesn't build character

many people have had character-building opportunities!

Thanks to your hard work,

Many families have had to spend more time

actually getting to know each other!

Many credit your hard work to

something known as global warming.

Old Man Winter, many of us

have a suggestion for you!

We courteously request that you

Take a break from your hard work!

You need a LONG break!


Lisa DeSherlia

and many other people.

The above photo is courtesy of MorgueFile, is by "jade," and can be found here.

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