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Thursday, February 20, 2014
Dishonoring the President & What It Says About Us
Both online and in real life, I keep observing a troubling and disturbing practice. Many of us are so understandably upset, frustrated, and disillusioned by those who lead our country, especially in Washington, DC. We tend to react to these feelings by lashing out our politicians, including our President, and blaming them for everything that occurs in our country and in our lives. I'm sure we have done this for a long time, but it has hit an all-time low, with our President and the fear and hate directed at him. Why do so many of us fear him and hate him?
The Problem
In the past six or so years of our current President's first and now second term, I have never seen so much contempt leveled at any President. On Facebook, over and over and so many times I can't count, I have seen hate posts of this President. I have reported a number of them. I have seen many propaganda photos of President Obama, even pics with devil's horns on him! Examples of anti-Obama posts I have seen are many. Examples, over the years, include this pic of a soldier and the President. The caption over the soldier said: "Some gave all." The caption over the President said: "Some gave nothing." I have seen a Facebook page called, "I Wake Up Every Morning and Hate it That President Obama is My President." When Osama bin Ladin was taken down and many credited the President's policies, posts like this declared: "It is those brave Navy Seals who took down that master terrorist. Don't give this President ANY credit!" There have been, almost from the beginning of the proposal of The Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, and certainly after it became law, calls to "Repeal Obamacare!" For years, opponents of President Obama have called on Congress to "Impeach this President!" He has been called "Hitler," a "socialist," a "consorter with terrorsts," even "Anti-Christ." Though this President has produced his Hawaii birth certificate, many die-hard opponents persist in declaring that he is a "non-American Muslim President." I know that much of the hysteria is because the President's biological dad was born in Kenya, and this President's middle name is "Hussein." Some people not only call the President by his first name, but call him "Barry." Recently, a rock star has called this President "subhuman" and a "treasonist." Why all this disrespect, contempt, and hate?
Epidemic of Dishonoring A US President
I have just scratched the surface of all the hostility and animus that I have seen toward this current President. I understand and sympathize that the public is generally disillusioned, cynical, angry, and jaded when it surveys our politicians. Many people lump all politicians together, declaring, in utter disgust, "They are all crooks!" Given all the scandals that the media expose, it would seem that many of our elected officials lack a moral compass. Many citizens paint them all with a broad brush, declaring, "All politicians lie," and the link. It so follows that President Obama, according to many, is ethically challenged, dishonest, and lacking character. This President has never claimed perfection, and admits that "I'm not perfect, and, as your President, I will let you down." Yes, he has. I know that many of you reading this strongly disagree with policies or laws he has proposed or signed, most notably, GLBT marriage, abortion-on-demand, and increasing government spending on "entitlements" and welfare. One politician has called him the "biggest Food Stamps President in history." Many firmly believe he has broken many campaign promises. This pertains especially to his signature legislation, The Affordable Care Act. Yet I see that there is a level of dishonor shown toward this President that I don't think that has ever been shown any President in US history. Why is this?
Why All the Animosity Toward This President?
I think there are reasons for this show of hostility and disrespect for this current President. First, it would be intellectually dishonest to deny the existence of racism in the attitudes of many toward President Obama. This racism may, as many attitudes that we don't want to face about ourselves, usually operate at an unconscious level. Few people would ever admit that, of course. in our politically correct society, it would be called, "playing the race card" or race-baiting. Yet with the recent high-profile cases first of Trayvon Martin and, most recently, Jordan Davis, we must face the reality that racism is a live and well! Much anger toward this President may be because people listen to the Tea Party element among Conservatives and to the Conservative-leaning Fox New Network, as they advance their agenda to paint this President as evil, dishonest, unethical, and out to destroy the US and, especially the Christian community. So many people, buying into these paranoid media portrayals of the President, detest and despise this President and many are spreading their wrath on social media. Why do we prefer to buy into media hype over doing research into the facts?
What This Says About Us
This widespread disrespect and resentment toward President Obama says more about us than it does about him. Yes, I know that the un-Presidential conduct of former Presidents has caused many of us to lose trust and respect for the Presidency. Understandably. But once we lose respect and trust in the highest and the higher offices in the land, we find it easier to dishonor lesser authorities. This makes it easier to disrespect anyone and everyone. It's called the slippery slope. And an entire generation has grown up, spending their entire childhoods learning contempt and hostility. So many have absorbed the notion that life is cheap, and that people are expendable commodities to be used and abused as they see fit. Is it no wonder that we are raising a generation of young people who don't respect authority, who are angry and hostile, and even become "monsters" who commit violent crimes? What about the bullying among youth that just gets worse and worse? Have we become a society of disrespect? I think so!
This is not a call to get anyone to like or agree with the President or his policies. It's a call to respect and honor him as the holder of that office. If you are one who does not support this current President, it is possible to separate him from his office when at comes to showing respect. Thoughts?
The above photo is courtesy of MorgueFile, is by "omdur," and can be found here.
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