Tuesday, February 3, 2015

What Does America Need?

Constantly, we are hearing what America needs.

Many, seeing the terrorism that threatens us, are calling for a "war on terrorism" and that if we "reform immigration," we can keep ourselves safe.

One political party insists that we need tolerance, racial reconciliation, brotherhood, peace, and equal rights for all.

One political party insists that we need personal responsibility, reduced taxes, independence and intact liberties.

One powerful lobby is demanding the right to reproductive freedom in the name of equal health care for a certain gender.

One powerful lobby is calling for the right to marriage equality and tolerance.

An active voting bloc is calling for the right to life for all, prayer in the public schools, and the preservation of traditional marriage.

One strong lobby, often because of tragic personal tragedy, are calling for the strict control of guns to protect America.

A centuries long oppressed race of people are calling for justice and equality for themselves.

I can go on and on and on. Everyone has ideas what America needs. So many people believe that they have it down what is wrong with us and what is needed to fix the problem. Can all these people be right? Or do the points each party seek to make have some truth in them? Or are we all turning a blind eye to what America really needs? Or are we content with the way things are?

Peer Pressure & Culture

We often talk about peer pressure as it applies to children and especially teens. I daresay that peer pressure never goes away and we all remain vulnerable to it, no matter what our age. This has much to do with all the ads that hit us constantly, whether via television, newspaper, radio or the Internet, giving us the constant message that what we need is "personal happiness" and that this "happiness" can be found through material things, get rich quick schemes, "magic" products promising to make us thin, lose weight without effort, give us a well-behaved child without loving discipline, "cure" neurological conditions like Asperger's Syndrome or Autism, or to re-capture our youth or halt the aging process. I find myself getting mad at these ads, especially those pop up ads that interrupt my reading when I surf the Internet and make unwanted sales pitches about their products that supposedly will make me "happy" or give me a "better life." Many months ago, someone pitches a product claiming that purchasing it would "cure" the addictions of our loved ones. Really?

Our American President's Vision

In the US, we are as deeply divided as I remember us ever being. We are deeply divided on what America needs to "be taken in the right direction." Is this why our current President is so divisive and we are raking him over the coals with our constant criticism of everything he does, good or bad? I remember when, under President Obama's watch, Osama bin Laden was put to death. I remember when the news was delivered on television. I also remember snarky comments such as, "This President did nothing to put bin Laden to death; those brace Navy Seal soldiers did! Don't give this President any credit!" I'm not disputing that it was the actions of the military that carried out the sentence of bin Laden, but apart from the President's orders I don't believe could have carried this act out. Our President is famous for his promise to bring "change" to America. What we think about this "change" he has been bringing to America depends on what we think America needs.

Republicans, Democrats & What America Needs

My feelings about his "change"? I would be lying if I said that I support the President's policies concerning "abortion on demand" for, at one time, we all developed for some nine months inside our moms. Marriage equality? With Jesus' words on marriage designed by God to be between male and female and with Bible verses telling us that same sex lifestyles are, in God's eyes, as wrong as any other sin, I cannot support "marriage equality either. I do support other policies put fort by this President, such as the ABLE Act, that will let people with disabilities be able to keep their benefits even if they set up special needs trusts. I support his call to raise the federal minimum wage to make it easier for the "working poor" to support their families. I wish that I, as a Christian, did not have to choose between two issues that God has spoken clearly on (the sanctity of human life and marriage) and other issues He has spoken on (poverty, justice for the working classes, caring for the vulnerable and race relations). But with this two-party system, we are not given much choice and are forced to choose one vision over another, though both visions speak on matters on which God speaks.

Where is America Headed?

I know that some Pastors and Christian leaders now believe and declare that America is under the judgment of God or at least is in danger of that. I can only say that with our current loss, more and more, of a moral compass, we may be losing our way as a country. Our children and teens have never been so violent or so vicious. Months ago, two 12 year old girls had viciously stabbed one of their friends of the same age. This girl miraculously survived and was surrounded by international support as her story was made public. But her two friends may, if charged as adults, face the rest of their lives behind bars. They reportedly spent months planning this act and wanted to see what it was like to commit a murder. A few years ago, in my own home state of Missouri, a nine year old girl had gone missing one day. Days later, she was found deceased and her murderer was a fourteen year old girl, not a grown man or even a boy. On television, programs show videos of violent bullying of young people by other young people. We now have what is called a "rape culture" and one college student has been said to boast: "I would rape women if I knew that I would get by with it." Months ago, a "how to guide" was published telling child rapists how to satisfy their pedophile urges. We know of one organization, NAMBLA, set up for males who have an attraction for boys. Have we lost our minds? By our actions, we are saying that we value not the freedom of religion but freedom from religion.

I'm sure that as I write this, most of you are aware of that account of the barbaric burning of the pilot in the country of Jordan, which was caught on camera with this man in a cage (unconfirmed). And two Japanese hostages were beheaded this past week. War is being declared on us.

Well, What Does America Need?

As I read my Bible, I see little that suggests that efforts to reform this country, or any other, will do much to solve our society's ills, moral problems or social-economic injustices. Legislation can do some things to restrain hard-hearted people and to keep them in check, so civilization does not stop. I suggest that we get back to reading the Bible to discover what God says what we need, what He has gone to great lengths to provide us, and what we need to do to be part of the solution to what ails us. Jesus said that He was going to come "like a thief in the night" and at an unexpected time. Are you ready for Him?

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